GA 1.1. Creating Personas

We created four personas overall, one per each member of the group:

You can download the printable PDF with all of the personas right from here.

Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments for each post.

2 thoughts on “GA 1.1. Creating Personas

  1. Some questions / comments about your personas, that I will ask from you in the lesson:

    1) I guess you are planning to have an app for bar visitors and a management interface for bar owners?

    2) Why David is a secondary persona, not primary?

    3) Why Anthony is a primary persona, not customer persona for the app and primary for the management interface?

    4) I think in case of Ola “personalization” does not fit with the following descripition. It is rather “making safe choices” or something like that.

    5) Why did you decide to have a negative persona as one of the three personas? Don’t you have more important secondary personas?

    6) What does “Radio Go” mean? (David’s persona)


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